Thanks before Receiving

Why should we thank God before we receive the answer of our prayer?

Ripe Tomatoes

“I want three ripe tomatoes, John”, Mina cried out in her near delirium. Her fever was dangerously high and she was dying. Her husband, John wanted to explain that it was impossible to get three ripe tomatoes, but she wasn’t listening.

John and Mina Clark were serving as missionaries in very primitive northeastern corner of Africa called Belgian Congo. It was first half of twentieth century, before missionary aviation could bring medical help within hours.

“I want three ripe tomatoes”, Mina was calling again. How could John calm her? In the Congo , no one had ever heard tomatoes. All he could do was fall to his knees and pray. His prayer was long and rambling, not always making sense. He simply blubbering from the depth of his heart but God knew what he meant. John asked God to heal Mina, perhaps to send a doctor – though it would take a week for a doctor to reach this jungle outpost. And yes he also prayed for tomatoes.

The next day one of local tribesman knocked at the Clark ’s door. With him was a woman from neighboring tribe. In her arms she carried a basket covered with banana leaf. After some casual conversation, the woman explained why she had come. About a month earlier, John Clark has visited her tribe. She figured that he, as foreigner, might be able to help.

What was her problem?

“Sometime ago a traveler left seed with us” she explained. “And I plant it. The plant has now boner a harvest, but I am afraid to eat them, as I do not know weather or not they are poison”.

John Clark lifted the banana leaf and saw something astonishing in her basket – ripe, red tomatoes, three of them.

The woman saw the missionary’s obvious delight. “You can have this” she said “for I have many, many more at home”.

John thanked the woman profusely and then took the three tomatoes to Mina. Shortly thereafter, the doctor arrived, ahead of schedule and soon Mina was on the road of recovery. John never knew whether doctor’s medicine or the miraculous tomatoes had more to do with her recovery. Whichever he knew it was God’s amazing answer to prayer.

As he thought through these event, John realize something event more amazing. God must have planned all long in advance. God must had known when that traveler would give the seed to the African tribeswoman. God must had known when the woman would plant the seed and the tomatoes would ripen. And God must has directed the woman to his mission station on the day after he had prayed for three ripe tomatoes to appear out nowhere. Amazing

We should give thanks when we pray to God because He has provided the answer before we receive it, even before we ask it. He knows the best for us, and because of that we should give Him thanks.

From: I want three ripe tomatoes, John – book 100 Amazing Answers to Prayer.

What is your focus?

Penjual daging melihat seekor anjing ditokonya & mengusirnya. Tetapi anjing itu kembali lagi, ia menghampiri anjing itu & melihat ada catatan dimulutnya : “Tolong sediakan 12 sosis, uangnya dimulut anjing ini”. Sipenjual melihat ada uang 10$, diambilnya uang itu, ia memasukkan sosis ke kantong plastik & diletakkan dimulut anjing itu. Si penjual sangat terkesan.

Kebetulan saat itu waktu tutup toko, ia menutup toko & mengikuti si anjing yg berjalan ketempat penyeberangan. Si anjing meletakkan plastiknya, melompat & menekan tombol penyeberangan, kemudian menunggu lampu hijau & ia menyeberang. Anjing tsb sampai dihalte bus & melihat papan informasi kemudian duduk. Sebuah bus dtg, si anjing melihat no bus, kemudian kembali duduk. Bus lain dtg, yakin bus benar, si anjing naik! Si penjual kagum mengikuti anjing itu.

Akhirnya si anjing berjalan kedepan, ia berdiri dgn 2kakinya & menekan tombol agar bus berhenti. Kemudian ia keluar & berhenti depan rumah & meletakkan kantung plastik. Kemudian ia membenturkan dirinya kepintu rumah tsb.

Sipenjual melihat seorang pria membuka pintu & langsung memukuli menendang serta menyumpahi anjing tsb! Sipenjual berlari utk menghentikan pria tsb, “Apa yg kau lakukan? Anjing ini sangat jenius”…Pria itu menjawab: “Kau bilang anjing ini pintar? Dlm minggu ini sdh 2x anjing ini lupa membawa kunci!!”

Mungkin hal serupa sering terjadi dikehidupan kita. Sesuatu yg bagi kita tidak memuaskan, mungkin sesuatu yg sangat luar biasa bagi orang lain.
Yang membedakan hanyalah seberapa besar penghargaan kita. Pemilik anjing tidak menghargai kemampuan si anjing & hanya terfokus pada kesalahannya! Sebaliknya, pemilik toko menganggap anjing tsb luar biasa pintar!

Kita tidak menyadari bahwa setiap harinya kita punya 2 pilihan, hendak mengeluh atas berbagai hal yg krg memuaskan, atau bersyukur atas berbagai karunia yg telah kita terima?

I Tesalonika 5:18 Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal, sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus bagi kamu.

~ From BBM – Anonymous ~

Two Brothers

Two brothers worked together on the family farm. One was married and had a large family. The other was single. At the day’s end, the brothers shared everything equally, produce and profit.

Then one day the single brother said to himself, “It’s not right that we should share equally the produce and the profit. I’m alone and my needs are simple.” So each night he took a sack of grain from his bin and crept across the field between their houses, dumping it into his brother’s bin.

Meanwhile, the married brother said to himself, “Its not right that we should share the produce and the profit equally. After all, I’m married and I have my wife and my children to look after me in years to come. My brother has no one, and no one to take care of his future.” So each night, he took a sack of grain and dumped it into his single brother’s bin.

Both men were puzzled for years because their supply of grain never dwindled. Then one dark night the two brothers bumped into each other. Slowly it dawned on them what was happening. They dropped their sacks and embraced one another.

Author: Anonymous

Let’s start 2012 with thinking not for our benefit only but also for someone else. Happy New Year 2012!

Jesus be the center of my heart

I listen to this song recently and being blessed. Composed by Israel Houghton. Here are several versions of it. Enjoy and be blessed!!!

City Harvest version

Jesus be the center of my life
Jesus be the center of my life
From beginning to the end,
It will always be
It’s always been You Jesus

Nothing else matters
Nothing in this world will do
Jesus You’re the center
Everything revolves around You
Jesus You

From my heart to the heavens
Jesus be the center
It’s all about You
Yes, it’s all about You

Jesus be the center of Your church
Jesus be the center of Your church
And every knee will bow
And every tongue shall confess You Jesus

From my heart to the heavens
Jesus be the center
It’s all about You
Yes, it’s all about You

Chinese version

Japanese version

DYKS: Urbanisasi Saves the World from Global Warming

Crowded City - Big Picture

Because with urbanization, people move to city and leave green area in the village grow naturally. The only issue now is how is city manage incoming citizens which become more and more each year.

Untouched Green

Source: National Geographic December 2011